The Old Crocodile…

Deep in the jungle, there lived an old crocodile in a pond.  The crocodile moved slowly as it could not see very well.


One day, after many days without food, the crocodile became very hungry.  As it looked around for food, it saw a deer coming to the edge of the pond for a drink. “This deer would be a good meal for me…” the crocodile said to himself. Slowly the crocodile swam closer to the deer. Suddenly it pounced but missed! The deer avoided the crocodile and ran away. Sadly the crocodile returned to the middle of the pond. As the days go by it grew hungrier and hungrier.  Then it had an idea…


Soon the hot season arrived and the water in the pond began to dry up.  The pond grew smaller.  After a while the animals need to go further into the middle of the pond just to drink.  The crocodile knew this and waited patiently.


A group of goat came to the pond for a drink. As soon as one goat put its head down to drink, the crocodile rushed forward.  It caught the goat with its huge jaws and pulled it into the pond.  The goat drowned immediately and the crocodile ate it to the heart’s content.

3 Responses

  1. the moral of the story???

  2. pandai buaye tuh cri mkn…

  3. the crocodile learn business strategy, right sir? (:

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